I have a hypothetically sufficient supply of my high-Calvinist pull-string dolls that I offer to any and all high-Calvinists. They don't actually exist for them, but hey, they won't want them anyway, so 'no problema,' to use some Spanish lingo and some more commas to boot. But, I will Char-knock them if they disobey my offer, which doesn't really exist for them.
The wind-up high-Calvinist doll with a pull string on the back comes in your favorite high-Calvinist model.*
You pull the string and it says:
"If Christ paid the sins of all, then no one can ever be in Hell."
"If Christ paid the sins of all, then no one can ever be in Hell."
"If Christ paid the sins of all, then no one can ever be in Hell."
"If Christ paid the sins of all, then no one can ever be in Hell."
* The James White doll is currently out of stock.